I guess it's more than I thought it would be, but honestly... there are folks out there who post stuff on Twitter like every few minutes. Almost as if they have nothing else to do. Or maybe I just can't multi-task as well as I thought I could. Do they have a degree in that somewhere or maybe even just a class where you can effectively communicate with people in real-time while also communicating with your 7000 follower and trying to let them know that they've won something for being that lucky number 7000.
It's fun to post stuff about where I ate lunch or with whom, but having to take a pic of the slice of pizza I just took a bite of and then post that with a short URL so it will fit within 40-something characters is just a little too much! Wait let me hash-tag that... #pizza
I guess I'm saying for all those 12 folks out there who follow me on this blog, and the few more who do pay any attention at all to what I may occasionally "tweet" about, I won't be making it a point to blog every day, week, or month, but I will try to make it meaningful and helpful, and occasionally, sometimes just plain humorous, whenever I do get around to posting.
As David Crowder*Band so aptly put it, Twitter_will_kill_you. (that was funny stuff, Dave.) BTW, how'd you pul off the hit-by-car scene? That was brilliant!
Check out David Crowder*Band rock-u-mentary on their website or on YouTube. Good 4 minute time-waster.
You crack me up!
ReplyDeleteDitto to Kelly!